The new (B) GLOBAL is here

These are unusual times that confront us with many constraints – both privately and professionally. However, as a stockholding dealer with large capacities worldwide, we are able to supply our customers with material in the usual premium quality and continue to support them in their projects. One of the biggest differences for us in everyday business is that we are currently unable to contact our customers face to face. But there will be no "business distancing": Our premium service, which has always distinguished us, is available to all business partners by telephone or digital means.
It is important to us to keep our company on course as usual and this will also apply to you, because we are all in the same boat. The aim must be to prevent a stall. This can be best achieved if we continue to operate as normal. Optimism and confidence take us further than diffuse fears. That's why we've put together our customer magazine (B) GLOBAL for you as usual. We aim to offer interesting reading material that gives you an insight into our business activities and reflects our industry. We hope you enjoy reading it.